Looking for a standalone waiver solution? Check out WaiverSign!
Resmark’s marketing automation tools streamline the collection of guest signatures for pre-bookings. Automatically send reminders to customers if any members of their group haven’t signed by the deadline, ensuring all waivers are completed on time. Participants can sign using any web-enabled device, making the process easy for everyone involved.
Your manifests tell you at a glance who has, and who hasn’t signed their waiver. Guests who check in onsite and still need to sign can be prompted to sign their waivers using the RESMARK’s Kiosk Check-in tools, or simply navigate to the check in page using their own hand-held device and sign while waiting in line.
Store participant waivers securely in WaiverSign’s “Cloud Vault” and access them instantly. With valuable guest data at your fingertips, you can quickly retrieve documents for targeted marketing campaigns. No more sorting through paperwork—export or print waivers in seconds to fuel your next marketing initiative.
While WaiverSign seamlessly integrates with Resmark booking software for an unmatched experience, it also functions as a powerful stand-alone tool! Whether it’s for waivers, contracts, or any important document, WaiverSign makes it easy to collect digital signatures, even if it's not tied to a reservation or order.
Gathering contact information for every participant through RESMARK’s online waiver integration means you’ll be able to collect reviews not just from customers, but from every guest. And more positive reviews means more future business for you.